A division of ABBOTT INTERFAST LLC, est. in 1948, OEP LLC specializes in custom injection molding, precision metal machining, plastic knobs, metal knobs, cold heading and fasteners. Specializing in direct importing ensures the highest quality and most competitive pricing - full manufacturing capabilities in northern Illinois as well. Contract assembly, creative problem solving, quick delivery, small-run capabilities, and inventory management are all part of OEP’s quality services.
Manufacturer/direct importer for over 60 years |
Precision metal machined components (CNC, Swiss, ASM, etc.) |
Custom cold-headed specials (custom and standard fasteners/fastening components) |
Assembly/contract manufacturing |
Specializing in vendor consolidation; vast product expertise |
Custom injection molding…extensive equipment list |
Complete line of hand knobs: Control, clamping, appliance, etc. |
Kanban, JIT, managed inventory, scheduled releases, etc. |
Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals Declaration (Read the document) |